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We are beyond excited for you to start your 30 Day Healthy Living Program!

Your results is or goal. Please let your consultant know what your goal is if you havent already.

Check to make you were added to the private Facebook group, and if you haven't please reach out to your consultant.

1. Read all the info on the facebook group and stay plugged in. You'll be amazed just how much you will actually learn from other participants (ie. where to find certain approved products, ideas on modifying a recipe, etc.)

2. BE PREPARED- Get your food list and head to the store. et enough healthy snacks to have on hand in case you get hungry. We aren't cutting calories, so you don't want to be starving. You also don't want to be stuck somewhere hungry and nothing healthy to eat!

3. Call/text/message your consultant if you don’t understand something or you don’t like something, or you have any questions! We are here for YOU. Your success is our success:)

A few additional things

- PRINT or save the GUIDE - this is your "Bible" for this program! 
- Also, you can always look at the file section on the private FB group for ALL the documents posted if you miss anything
-The meal plans always get posted on Fridays, but you can download them below

- Check out the Snack list and keep those items close by. 

It is easiest to follow the recipes and grocery guide but keep in mind that if it's on the APPROVED list you can eat it.
Simple grilling clean meat(or not), making some veggies, brown rice and avocado for example is a GREAT meal.

It is key to get plenty of calories in them.
You will also find your rhythm...some like shakes thick - some not so much, etc. It may take a few times to find your "Sweet Spot" make sure you are adding in a healthy fat
- avocado
- coconut oil/cream
- almond, cashew, or sunflower butter
You can also add in chia, flax, maca, cocoa powder, cocoa nibs, etc.

-If you like the flavor of coffee there is a GREAT product called Dandy Blend ( at Lassen’s or a health food store) It's a Dandelion instant tea that is approved and tastes like coffee and makes delicious mochas!

-DRINK YOUR WATER - 1/2 your weight in ounces of water, so if you're 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces.

- please weigh yourself and measure around your belly button & 2" below
- report your weight and measurements each week on Monday (or at least the “difference”). It’s one way we can track how your body is responding to the program and whether we’ll need to make some modifications or adjustments.

- take a before pic because you’ll be shocked at how much your body can change and you never know how your story and journey could help someone else change their health and life!


Remember your story matters! Feel free to post your journey on Facebook, share with others, etc. So many people are needing what this program has to offer!

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